Regardless of how much training you are obtaining, you may always want to receive more. Should you have specific elements of your game you want to fix or improve upon, or you want to give yourself as much opportunity as possible to progress onto the next program, the option for additional support is there for you.
JBFC's Coach and Cue program is a private 1 on 1 or 2 on1 program which provides you with specifics outside of the partnership with FTIFA. Hence, it's private training with an associated cost.
You'll be coached - and given cues on the side of the game often missed - the visual and mental elements. We say that football is played within the mind - the feet are just the tools.
It's not mandatory, it's not expected - it is something that is optional to you as a player to give you potentially more opportunity to move forward in the game.
Coach and Cue is open to any player within the program or indeed outside of any of the programs. This will offer you the opportunity simply to enhance your skills - but in a way that will give you that extra little something that could help you progress.
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